Questionnaire from Hindu Mythology: Goddess Parvati asked Lord Shiva

I am quite sure that You will affirm it. I strongly believe in this success realm.

Whenever we talk about success we have hard work and consistency, I believe in both but I am quite sure that you can’t part ways with them. Without wasting your precious time let’s come to the excerpt.

1. Firm determination: We should have a firm determination about our work. Let’s say If I am pursuing a Nursing course then I must have strong determination to learn the course and to maximize the clear concept

2. Faith: One must have faith about the success of one’s work. For me, I must have faith about my writing’s success that one day I would be able to earn $40-50K a month.

3. Gratitude: For a student He/she must have his grace i.e., Guru’s grace here Guru means the mentor or teacher. There should be a pure and holy relation between the teacher and the disciple.

4. Equanimity: A learner must pursue equal feelings or constant feeling for his/her learning curve. In the learning process there are many ups & downs and leaps & bounds So, one must have an equal sense of feelings for both happiness and gloominess.

5. Self-Control: A pathfinder should have self-control over propensities. There are more than 50 propensities in our body and mind. Propensities are Magnification of anything like Taste, Jealousy, Hate, Love, Greed, Lust etc. One should have self-control over these in order to achieve success.

6. Good Diet: A balanced and worthy diet must be followed by a learner. Food is the major source of exaggeration. One should take care of one’s diet. A virtuous food means that it is obtained without harming anything.

7. Null point: There is no other point besides the 7th and last point. One must remember all six points and there is no need to go for any other than these.

I know we have lots of distractions these days but in order to get success we should have God’s Grace. I hope you like it and follow to achieve success. Wishing ahead! Thank you.

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